Love Stories

Nicole + Jared

I moved from MT to NE for school and started working at a bar. A month or so after I started working at the bar, Jared and some mutual friends came in. We had never met each other before this interaction. He told our friends that he was interested in me, so they talked me into going to another bar after my shift. I didn’t think anything of it until I got to the other bar and my friend said “Jared is into you but if you aren’t feeling it let me know”. I was not looking for a relationship but I was intrigued. The second we started talking to each other, it just felt so natural and our conversation flowed so smoothly. We went on like 2 dates after that and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and the rest is history. 

It was December and I had been back home in MT for my Christmas break. Jared and I wanted to have our own Christmas together after I got back. He came up with a plan to open up presents together at his place and then we would dress up nicely and go out on a dinner date. He was ready within seconds but I still needed to do my hair and makeup. While I was getting ready he just happened to have my favorite type of wine so he kept refilling my glass. After I was finally ready he came out with another present that he claimed he had forgotten about. As I’m unwrapping this big box, inside there was another little box wrapped, I open this Riddles jewelry box with nothing inside and I looked back at Jared and he was on one knee with the ring. I think we both blacked out after that but thankfully he got it on video so we can go back and watch it anytime, which I’m so thankful for because it was such an amazing experience for us both.

We are most excited for our outdoor ceremony. I knew before we were even engaged that I wanted our wedding to be outside with mountains in the back. I immediately fell I love with the view of Wildflower. It was incredible online but getting to see it in person made everything feel so real and we cannot wait to be saying I do at this location. The pictures are going to be unreal!